Infrared Sauna

Infrared is a wavelength of light that is invisible to the naked eye. Infrared rays have been shown to revitalize cells and metabolism. Infrared saunas do not get as hot as traditional saunas and have different benefits. Infrared heat penetrates deeper into the tissues without the potentially harmful effects of super high heat.

Far IR penetrates into the fat cells and causes vasodilation. This can stimulate metabolism, expel toxins and aid in weight loss.
Mid IR penetrates deeper into soft tissue which increases circulation and releases oxygen to injured areas.
Near IR is absorbed just below the surface of the skin and creates a sweat that promotes healing and revitalization.


30 min sessions:
Drop in: $35
5 for $150
10 for $250
45min sessions:
Drop in: $50
5 for $225
10 for $400
Monthly membership:
One, 60min acupuncture session and 2, 45min sauna sessions | $130
Extra sauna session during your birthday month
*Sessions do not carry over if not used within the month. Cannot be combined with insurance. Cancel anytime.

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Infrared Sauna FAQs

What is infrared sauna and how does it differ from a traditional sauna?
Infrared is a wavelength of light that is invisible to the naked eye. Infrared rays have been shown to revitalize cells and metabolism. Infrared saunas do not get as hot as traditional saunas and have different benefits. Infrared heat penetrates deeper into the tissues without the potentially harmful effects of super high heat.
Far IR penetrates into the fat cells and causes vasodilation. This can stimulate metabolism, expel toxins and aid in weight loss.
Mid IR penetrates deeper into soft tissue which increases circulation and releases oxygen to injured areas.
Near IR is absorbed just below the surface of the skin and creates a sweat that promotes healing and revitalization.

What are some of the major benefits of Infrared Therapy?

  • Muscle recovery

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves cardiovascular health

  • Stress reduction

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Natural detoxification

  • Immune system boost

  • Improve cognition and memory

  • Aid in weight loss

If I want to combine sauna with acupuncture/massage and/or reiki, should I book my sauna appointment before or after the other modalities?
We recommend booking your sauna session after other treatments at Revive. The reason for this is you really want to be able to hydrate after a sauna session and you won’t be able to do that if you’re lying on the table for an hour.

What do I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in (nothing at all if you please!) Just be sure anything you wear is free of plastic or metal and you use the towel provided to sit on.

Can I bring a friend?
Yes! Share your sauna session with a friend or loved one for an additional $10.

Who should NOT use the IR sauna?
Avoid sauna use or consult your doctor if you have an underlying health condition, respiratory condition, cardiac issues, bleeding disorders, are taking certain medications or are pregnant.

What do I do while in the sauna?
Meditate, stretch, read a book, or listen to music. It is not recommended to bring electronics into the sauna but you can connect your phone via the bluetooth speakers to listen to music or a guided meditation; and we all know we could use a little more time without phones in our hands!